Celebrity Dream Visitations.


Turn Back To God and Be Saved From Hell! Repent! Repent!

Greetings 🙏🏽 All Nations!
I come to you on behalf of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

I am reposting this video from 2020. I have changed the title, to reflect that I am not only talking to Atheists.
In short, I have been sent by the God of Abraham. I am here to inform you that Only Jesus Christ Saves. There will not be a line up of other Gods on Judgment Day.  Turn back to God, through His only begotten son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

- I am preaching the “TRUTH”
- With “PASSION”
- Though it seems tough, understand that God, Jesus and I still “LOVE” you.
-  “REPENTANCE” is what I am after, so you won’t go to hell. God wants you in Heaven🕊

Love, BSJ✝️

(I do not own the rights to the song in video.)


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