Celebrity Dream Visitations.


Take God with you everywhere!!!


As Christians the devil will constantly be trying to get at you from all sides. I bet you never thought I would take it to the grocery store...Why not? evil and misunderstandings lurk everywhere...Oh, but, so does God and we as His Reps!!!!!! In the grocery store there are regular lines and there are 10 items or less lines. OK Family..You walk up with your 10 items precisely counted out. There is this middle aged woman with two influenceable teens ahead of you. The lady has a basket of items clearly over the 10 item limit. The cashier does not speak up. Should you? No. This is a test Ladies and Gentlemen. Only God can judge. Rethink and change your judgemental ways. Yes you are right, the lady should have read the sign but, but, but...Suppose she was blind and her kids were there to help her or she couldn't read and the kids were so busy being teens that they didn't look or she was in a hurry because her abusive husband gave her a certain amount of time or the line was completely empty and she wanted to deliver a message from God to the cashier that may have stopped her from committing suicide that night...I could go on forever as to the many scenarios. Suppose you would have spoken up. That seemingly quiet woman being completely stressed out..Not really bothering anybody... Could have caused All HELL and signs of the Lord's return to break out. Choose your battles carefully. We let the devil control us too much. It's not always up to us to speak up on something so innocent. I realized lately that SOMETIMES fighting for your life can also mean fighting the temptation to judge other people's affairs. To put it blundtly-SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT GOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU! People what will it take for love to enter the picture and we look out for each other. You would think with the recession being present that we would understand that God wants to put everyone on the same level. Like I've said before "The used -to -haves are now in the Homeless shelters with the never-hads." It is not as hard as you think to become the solution. No matter your financial status or situation. You have to vow to be the solution and live it. Take God with you everywhere, even to the grocery store.

1 Peter 4:14-15
Happy are you if you are insulted because you are Christ's followers; this means that the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God, is resting on you. If any of you suffers, it must not be because he is a murderer or a thief or a criminal or a meddler in other people's affairs.

Truth, Peace and Love

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