We are all roaming the same earth, and we should be doing better. There is no reason for your neighbor to starve; as you drive around in a Benz . There is no reason why you should display flags of hatred; when you should be displaying love and faith. Help somebody directly. Just walk up to those in need and share your wealth. Do it in the name of Jesus! If you are to be judged, shouldn't it be evident and obvious that it's time to surrender to the Lord. There is no hiding place for the wicked. Repent now and confess to the Lord that you now accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour. For those who have done so, and still go to Church every Sunday like clock work...while still practicing evil; You have now been outed. Sometimes God allow things to happen, so you can learn and repent. Whatever you do when you think nobody sees, is the natural grain that is embedded in your heart. Turn your ways around, and vow to choose good over evil....even when you think no one sees. Ask God To PASSOVER You, By Wearing Your Flag Of Faith & Love All The Time!
Isaiah 2:19-22
19 People will run to caves in the rocky cliffs and will dig holes and hide in the ground from the anger of the Lord and his great power, when he stands to shake the earth. 20 At that time people will throw away their gold and silver idols, which they made for themselves to worship; they will throw them away to the bats and moles.21 Then the people will hide in caves and cracks in the rocks from the anger of the Lord and his great power, when he stands to shake the earth. 22 You should stop trusting in people to save you, because people are only human; they aren't able to help you.
Exodus 12:27
27 you will say, 'This is the Passover sacrifice to honor the Lord. When we were in Egypt, the Lord passed over the houses of Israel, and when he killed the Egyptians, he saved our homes.' " Then the people bowed down and worshiped the Lord.
Truth, Peace and Love