What has the Lord declared for your life? At one time your heart said to the Lord, "Use me, my life is meaningless, please place more depth into it." Now, He has taken all of your trials and tribulations, all of the things that once made you weak and has used it to strengthen you. The Lord has heard all of the prayers you have prayed, and He has seen everything that you have been through. He looks at all of your qualifications including, but not limited to:location, gender,background...Now He has found a suitable job for you, the ultimate job! You now work for the Lord.
Your past trials, are now your testimony. He has prepared you to Stand!
"Let's be clear" Your faith is dead, unless you put it to action. You are not standing, if you're not declaring it in some way. My way and your way will not be the same. Don't let anybody else's shortcomings, misunderstanding, jealousy, hatred, evil, road blocks... stop you. You are victorious and the Lord has sent you. He will use who He deems necessary, because somebody needs your voice. Your heart has been read by the Lord. He knows your capabilities, and you are the woman/man for the job!!! STAND, STAND, STAND, STAND!
"If Any Man Speak ..."
1 Peter 4:11
"If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen."
Truth, Peace and Love