I spoke with a lady today in my town. I had a photo of Jesus on my shirt. She stopped me in my tracks to admire it. She tearfully went on to tell me about her son. She expressed to me about him getting out of jail, and how employers are not giving him a chance because of his record. I'm not sure of what his crime was. She didn't tell. I didn't ask. My comforting words to her were: "If God forgives us, we in turn should forgive each other."Times are hard and the predictions are; they are gonna get worse. The crime rate, murder rate, suicide rate and other rates are not gonna get better...unless we become our brother's keeper. Everybody has sinned and has done some things they wish they could take back. Re-evaluate some personal and business situations. Are the situations cruel enough to drop the ball on folks. There are kids drinking watered down milk, starving families, cold, hopeless, homeless and lower than depressed. If you are confused whether or not to help someone. Do the right thing anyway. Let God take care of evil doers.
Genesis 21:15-19
Later, when all the water was gone from the bag, Hagar put her son under a bush. Then she went away a short distance and sat down. She thought, "My son will die, and I cannot watch this happen." She sat there and began to cry. God heard the boy crying, and God's angel called to Hagar from heaven. He said, "What is wrong, Hagar? Don't be afraid! God has heard the boy crying there. Help him up and take him by the hand. I will make his descendants into a great nation." Then God showed Hagar a well of water. So she went to the well and filled her bag with water and gave the boy a drink.
Truth, Peace and Love