Celebrity Dream Visitations.




I want to respectively open the dialogue on your thoughts about interracial relationships. First let me speak my peace, on what I see and hear. I hear Brothas say, " I'ma get me a white woman." They really feel that somehow their lives will be made right, by what the other races have to offer. The only way to be made right is through your Faith in Jesus Christ. The two main reasons I hear as to your choice to date out of your race are; Money and Submissiveness. Excuse me, but what ever happened to getting into a meaningful relationship because of love? You may never become rich, but with hard work you can become self reliant. There was another comment made by a young white girl: "They like us, because we act black." (Thank you for your honesty) But, I still haven't heard the word love. That puts us as Black Women in a tough spot. Some may feel disrespected by the mocking. See, being black is not something to be turned off or on. Let's respect each others diversity. I don't know about y'all, but playing hocus pocus, abracadabra and living off delusions is not being true to yourself. One should like you for you, not because of financial gain, ego boosters, acting or your willingness to develop a weak mind. Black Men, tearing down your own people in the process is not the way. Most of your Mothers are black. I am pretty sure that if someone spoke negatively about her, all Hell would break loose. It is no secret that black women are seen as dominant, outspoken,strong, confident, non-submissive and able to endure...but that's how God made us. Others races are unique too, and that's how God made them. The stereotype of "Baby Momma", would not be possible without a "Baby Daddy". There are innocent children being effected by this promiscuity. "Straight Up" If you know that this is not the woman that you want a baby by, don't have sex with her. Be strong and of great courage by waiting. There is nothing more sadder than a child with a parent; who doesn't want them. Never let someone brainwash you into thinking your child doesn't need you. They need your love and your knowledge. Denying your children and belittling black women... leaves you denying yourself. You have become a slave in your own self made Plantations. You have taken the whip and begun to whip yourselves; by your thoughts and actions. All people should seek the love of Jesus, aim to be your brother's keeper, have self and mind control, embrace your heritage, understand your choices, and be proud to be who the Lord has made.

1 Corinthians 13
I may speak in different languages of people or even angels. But if I do not have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal. I may have the gift of prophecy. I may understand all the secret things of God and have all knowledge, and I may have faith so great I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing if I do not have love.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures.
Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will stop. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will come to an end. The reason is that our knowledge and our ability to prophesy are not perfect. But when perfection comes, the things that are not perfect will end. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. It is the same with us. Now we see a dim reflection, as if we were looking into a mirror, but then we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as God has known me. So these three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Truth, Peace and Love




I strive to live my life in Truth, Peace and Love! Today I want your life to have a encouraging theme. Women we are the backbones to our families. Society wants to fool us into thinking that women are supposed to be weak. The Bible states that women are the weaker sex. It does not ask us to strive to be weak... rather strong. Many times your mate will attempt to belittle you... by threatening to leave you for a less dominant woman. (see ya) A good and secure man will welcome your strength. An insecure controlling man is looking for you to be the grass as he is the lawn mower. Mowing your self esteem and everything you stand for to the ground. Ask yourself..."Am I diluting my being?" You are capable of great things if you allow yourself the will and courage to stand. Sometimes ladies, when everything has evaporated God continues to build our character through strength. -No matter what nobody says, be proud of who you are, and if others don't like it...Tell them to go toooo...A PLACE WHERE THEY CAN DO SOME SOUL SEARCHIN' ! (lol)

2 Samuel 10:12
Be strong. We must fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what he thinks is right."

Truth, Peace and Love


We are all roaming the same earth, and we should be doing better. There is no reason for your neighbor to starve; as you drive around in a Benz . There is no reason why you should display flags of hatred; when you should be displaying love and faith. Help somebody directly. Just walk up to those in need and share your wealth. Do it in the name of Jesus! If you are to be judged, shouldn't it be evident and obvious that it's time to surrender to the Lord. There is no hiding place for the wicked. Repent now and confess to the Lord that you now accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour. For those who have done so, and still go to Church every Sunday like clock work...while still practicing evil; You have now been outed. Sometimes God allow things to happen, so you can learn and repent. Whatever you do when you think nobody sees, is the natural grain that is embedded in your heart. Turn your ways around, and vow to choose good over evil....even when you think no one sees. Ask God To PASSOVER You, By Wearing Your Flag Of Faith & Love All The Time!

Isaiah 2:19-22
19 People will run to caves in the rocky cliffs and will dig holes and hide in the ground from the anger of the Lord and his great power, when he stands to shake the earth. 20 At that time people will throw away their gold and silver idols, which they made for themselves to worship; they will throw them away to the bats and moles.21 Then the people will hide in caves and cracks in the rocks from the anger of the Lord and his great power, when he stands to shake the earth. 22 You should stop trusting in people to save you, because people are only human; they aren't able to help you.

Exodus 12:27
27 you will say, 'This is the Passover sacrifice to honor the Lord. When we were in Egypt, the Lord passed over the houses of Israel, and when he killed the Egyptians, he saved our homes.' " Then the people bowed down and worshiped the Lord.

Truth, Peace and Love


Fam,This is my guide on getting by in the recession:*I have combined true facts with Entertainment, that is my Economy Recipe. I hope this helps somebody.*Being broke to some of us has been a lifelong struggle. This economy has gotten those who already know sidetracked. Why? Cause' Big Mama has always laid it down. But, for the newly broke, and not tryin' to be broken...let me school you.The main ingredients you need for this recipe are all organic...PRAYER, coupons, clearance, creativity, value, sale, free, necessity and NO.Food: Try food pantries and churches. Most of them are dry too, so let's kick your creativity in action. Your family is depending on you. So, let's make it happen. "Real Talk" Move your pride to the side by thinking of your kid's growling stomach.Stock up on filling foods such as beans, potatoes, rice and chicken. Catch the meat sells, so you can bake, boil, broil, barbecue, chicken salad, chicken helper, fry, smack it up, flip it up and rub down that bird.Clothes - Goodwill, The Salvation Army, Yard Sales, trade clothes with friends.Transportation- bus, car pool, or walkPhone - cut back to basic service, use neighbor's, use pay phones, get calling cardsUtilities- There are some organizations that will help with cut off. Electric- Make arrangements with the utility company to pay it. If you get cut off because you could not raise the funds... use the sun for light during the day. Don't laugh, open those curtains up. Night time use the stars and moon for light. Use what God provides and give Him the glory. Make it adventurous for the kids, so it won't effect them too much. (I have done this, I know about what I speak.) If you get tired of eating can foods, bring that grill out. Don't speak negativity- only light. Let nothing stop you, but God. When I say fight, I mean fight for your life.If there is something I left out, and you need an idea on how to cope let me know.

Truth, Peace and Love-BSJ+

Titus 3:1-7
The Right Way to Live
1 Remind the believers to yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey them, to be ready to do good,2 to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people. 3 In the past we also were foolish. We did not obey, we were wrong, and we were slaves to many things our bodies wanted and enjoyed. We spent our lives doing evil and being jealous. People hated us, and we hated each other.4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior was shown,5 he saved us because of his mercy. It was not because of good deeds we did to be right with him. He saved us through the washing that made us new people through the Holy Spirit.6 God poured out richly upon us that Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Savior.7 Being made right with God by his grace, we could have the hope of receiving the life that never ends.


Fam, there is reason and just cause to celebrate King Jesus...He lives!!! Everyday, live your life knowing that He is still working miracles. Call His name and let Him know that you accept Him as your Lord and personal Saviour. Let me pose a question: If a stranger knocked at your door, would you let him in? No? I wouldn't think so. You may fear for your family's safety. You also may not open the door, because there is no relationship between you to establish any type of judgement. Now say something unforeseen were to happen and you pass on. You've heard the stories of Jesus, but never took the time to get to know Him. You let work and other obligations stand in your way. There you are at Heaven's gate. You may get a sneak peek at the gold paved streets, the mansions in the sky, relatives...Oh but hold up, the only way is through Jesus Christ. If He doesn't know you, haven't established a relationship, didn't have faith, no prayers...How do you prove to Him that you now have faith? Thank Heavens, that was only a dream...You have a second chance to wake up and confess to Him that you want a relationship! The next time it may not be a dream.
Have a Blessed Easter
Truth, Peace and Love
Matthew 16:1-7
1 The day after the Sabbath day, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought some sweet-smelling spices to put on Jesus' body.2 Very early on that day, the first day of the week, soon after sunrise, the women were on their way to the tomb.3 They said to each other, "Who will roll away for us the stone that covers the entrance of the tomb?"
4 Then the women looked and saw that the stone had already been rolled away, even though it was very large.5 The women entered the tomb and saw a young man wearing a white robe and sitting on the right side, and they were afraid.
6 But the man said, "Don't be afraid. You are looking for Jesus from Nazareth, who has been crucified. He has risen from the dead; he is not here. Look, here is the place they laid him.7 Now go and tell his followers and Peter, 'Jesus is going into Galilee ahead of you, and you will see him there as he told you before.' "



Brother T.I.'s show "Road to Redemption" is something to be commended! I feel the sincerity and "Real Talk" in his reach to others. No matter what happens in this world, we all have to take stock in the fact that God is watching. There is little we on earth can offer each other but a pat on the back or a simple well done. If you have thoughts in your head about the two sources of punishment: There is human punishment and there is God's punishment. Still not convinced? OK think of life as a Monopoly board, and every thing that game entails. Though tough it represents life and it's tests that God adminsters. Now, think of Heaven. No more death, no more crying, gold paved streets and seeing Jesus, God and others that's passed on! If something is offered from others on earth it should be Love and Understanding. We are all tryin' to make it, but your heart has to be in it. It's cool to be yourself, but times have changed and our time is not promised...so update yourself to become better each day! Give your life to Christ today! Confess it with your mouth, heart and repentnance.

"LIVE IN THE SKY" by T.I. What's happening man this T.I.P. you kno I like to dedicate this song to anybody who every lostSomebody, to the grave, to the streets, to the jail cell. I done been in situations where I done had toCope with all three you kno what I'm saying, I feel like the only thing haven't done die you kno... Just Remember where you live while you here ain't half as important as where you gone live when you leave youKno what I'm saying[Chorus:]Life's up and downs they come and go... but when I die I hope I live in the sky... All my folks whoAin't alive I hope they live in the sky... pray to God when I die that I live in the sky... It's true whatGoes around comes back you kno... So when I die I hope I love in the sky... All my folk who ain't survive may They live in the sky... Tell God I wanna fly and let me live in the sky...




I've come too far to turn back now! Smile, that's a good thing. I am more peaceful than I have been in my entire life. That's what following the Lord will give you; Peace. I can't promise my family riches or anything like that, for giving up things that separate me from Christ, from those who mean me no good, for standing up as a witness, for self-publishing a book- that I was sent to the world to produce, for reaching out to others -before the Lord comes back, for constantly glorifying Him, for speaking about what I know. But, my family gives me love and respect because they sense my passion. They may not understand fully, why I can't stop talking about what the Lord has done for me. If you have never experienced the miracles, visions, dreams, encounters and the Lord's face...maybe you don't understand yet either. I have been called to put up a Fight!!! If the Lord tells you to do it... Who am I to disobey? He has been preparing me for this my whole life. Everything from my zodiac sign, down to my name meaning, represents a Fight!!! I LOVE THE LORD!!! But, y'all don't hear me though. He died for me and I truly live for Him!!! I had to let you know that "Mama Got a Brand New Bag!!!"

John 14:27-29
"I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me say to you, 'I am going, but I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you should be happy that I am going back to the Father, because he is greater than I am. I have told you this now, before it happens, so that when it happens, you will believe.

Truth, Peace and Love



I pray that your day is filled with all of the blessings that Jesus has ordained. If there is anybody out there who needs another chance at this life thing...I know somebody who is available 24/7 and is ready to forgive your sins. Start a new life today. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Who is this you may ask? King Jesus

Psalm 2
The Lord's Chosen King
Why are the nations so angry? Why are the people making useless plans?The kings of the earth prepare to fight, and their leaders make plans together against the Lord and his appointed one. They say, "Let's break the chains that hold us back and throw off the ropes that tie us down." But the one who sits in heaven laughs; the Lord makes fun of them. Then the Lord warns them and frightens them with his anger. He says, "I have appointed my own king to rule in Jerusalem on my holy mountain, Zion." Now I will tell you what the Lord has declared: He said to me, "You are my son. Today I have become your father. If you ask me, I will give you the nations; all the people on earth will be yours. You will rule over them with an iron rod. You will break them into pieces like pottery." So, kings, be wise; rulers, learn this lesson. Obey the Lord with great fear. Be happy, but tremble.Show that you are loyal to his son, or you will be destroyed by his anger, because he can quickly become angry. But happy are those who trust him for protection.

Truth, Peace and Love


How God Makes People Right


Have you always wondered how to get right with God? I have found this to be useful to my own life, so I will share it with you.

Romans 3:22-31

God makes people right with himself through their faith in Jesus Christ. This is true for all who believe in Christ, because all people are the same: Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's glorious standard, and all need to be made right with God by his grace, which is a free gift. They need to be made free from sin through Jesus Christ. God sent him to die in our place to take away our sins. We receive forgiveness through faith in the blood of Jesus' death. This showed that God always does what is right and fair, as in the past when he was patient and did not punish people for their sins. And God gave Jesus to show today that he does what is right. God did this so he could judge rightly and so he could make right any person who has faith in Jesus. So do we have a reason to brag about ourselves? No! And why not? It is the way of faith that stops all bragging, not the way of trying to obey the law. A person is made right with God through faith, not through obeying the law. Is God only the God of the Jews? Is he not also the God of those who are not Jews? Of course he is, because there is only one God. He will make Jews right with him by their faith, and he will also make those who are not Jews right with him through their faith. So do we destroy the law by following the way of faith? No! Faith causes us to be what the law truly wants.

Truth, Peace and Love

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