Someone asked me, “ When Will the Coronavirus end?” God is heartbroken and angry with this world. People tell me that I’m trying to make God into this angry, unloving God. Listen, Babies…What in the hell do you think this is? Same sex marriages, abortions, violence…THIS WORLD IS CORRUPT. Doing dirty things and calling it clean. You think he is sending disasters upon a God-fearing world? This world is completely graced to have the CREATOR/GOD to send warning and correction. Wake some asses up round here! Yes, He is angry, but He loves the hell out of you. Your Mama whipped your ass as a child and you think GOD won’t do everything He can to save you from THE LAKE OF FIRE?!!!? What you are witnessing is Love.
Y’all remind God of Noah’s generation. Noah and his family survived, but He destroyed the others in a flood. This world will be destroyed by fire! This world is gone. It is your souls that can still be saved. Be saved! Be saved! Turn from your wicked ways! Repent!
Truth, Passion, Love and Repentance