Celebrity Dream Visitations.



Greetings All Nations,

 This page exists to show the faces of the dead, whom God has allowed to visit me in dreams. The dead visit for several reasons:
1.Made it to the other side and they are ok
 2. Need Closure from unsolved event
 3. Warning of something
 4. Just visiting because they are glad to have a living friend who can see, hear and act a fool with them.

There is Life After Death! Hallelujah!

Philippians 3:20-21King James Version

20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.


LADY E,  (MISSING & DECEASED) God allowed a young, pretty, black girl to visit me in a dream on December 24, 2017. She had long, black, thick ponytails, brown skin, brown eyes, and extremely shy. She looked to be between 8-12. She told me the letters in her name. I feel she may have some type of a learning disorder or she may just spell her name unusually different. In a separate dream, God showed me Lade E on the news...she had been raped and murdered.

 Charlottesville, VA. visitation on 5/17/2013  

ANGELA "DOODY" TIMMONS visited on 1/16/2018

DANA GLASGOW visited on 1/21/2013
She was driving a car. Dana had the right of way, but she let me go first. She smiled and waived. When I saw who she was...I poked my head out of the window and said thanks Dana. She said, "you're welcome Brenda"

MIKE  CARTER visited on 10/30/2008

 AUNT LOLITA H. SMITH (raised me) visited on 03/23/2005
She told me that she hit the number and showed me a Virginia lottery ticket with 000.
I asked her was she gonna give me some and she said yep.
 (000 came out a month later and she has visited other times)


 COMEDIAN, REDD FOXX AND SAMMY DAVIS JR.visited together in 1993
  Lucy Miller 6/1/2006
 Al Johnson 11/09/2017
 Boxer and Activist, Muhammad Ali  1/29/17
Alvin Agee  12/13/2013
Elsie Scott & and a little elderly lady 12/16/2007...
   Mary Miller 01/26/2010...
 Comedian, Bernie Mac 6/1/2009
 Ms.Tillie 07/04/2009
Peggy Vest 04/08/2008
 Theodore Wilson 01/22/2007
George Miller 3/19/2018
 Rapper, Tupac Shakur  8/29/2018 &  08/19/2019
Aubrey Harris Sr, 02/03/2019
Mark Turner  01/13/2020 
Lolita E. Smith/Cookie 07/2/2022
 Oscar Brown/Nat 07/04/2020
Tonya James 01/09/2021
Brenda Washington 04/13/2021

May They Rest In Peace

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