John 4:23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
I have a strong warning for all of the Churches of the world. "God is watching you"
Churches, You have been doing your own thing for too long. I believe you have forgotten why you were called. You were called to lead the people to God. Show His love through acts of kindness. Help the community. Whenever someone reaches out to you for outreach, don't require their whole life's story. Most of that asking is pure nosiness. Do you know how difficult it is to reach out for help? Don't just tell the needy anything and don't treat them any ole kind of way. Don't be so judgmental...You are not the judge! God makes it possible for you to eat too. He trusts that you will do His will.
Listen, I hope you understand that you must repent of your ways and humble yourselves!! You will not be able to reach others if you have lost your passion for God! Stop styling in your Benz and learn how to relate to the hopeless like Jesus did. Speak to them in a way that lets them know that we are in this together. You are not a rock star! You are not to be idolized! Feel me on this now...Jesus would not be flexin' in a Benz! He would more than likely buy a cheaper automobile and use the rest to help people. Be approachable! Y'all know y'all ain't right! Showin' off in iced out jewelry and such.
Maaaan, it's too many Homeless people out here for God's people to be waisting money like that! Don't wait for the President to do something for the poor..."We need to do it" We serve a living God and we need to do what's pleasing to Him. We need to see His face on the the needy. If God were on the street, would you pass Him by? I didn't think so.
Stop turning your nose up at folks who listens to another style of music than you...He/She may have more God in his/her pinky than most hypocrites have in their soul. Stop thinking you are better than others because your bank account runs your life...The first will be last and the last will be___!!
"We have to be patient with non believers" And, most of the non believers are in the Churches now. Most non believers are in it for the money...It is a good gig for them, they have the poise to speak to people and it is a undercover scam for con artists. But, what they don't know...I am about to tell them, because unlike their scams of prophecy... this is real!!! God sees you!!
Your little playhouse is about to come tumbling down...Maaaan or wooooman...With everything in me, I so encourage you to fear the Lord!! Jesus is the truth!! The lies you tell will catch up with you...I pray that you remember and take it to heart the important job that is before you. Lets be clear... Body of Christ, do your part! Whatever your position is, do it to the best of your ability. Represent the love of God to the fullest. We are living in the last days. Nobody knows the hour that Jesus will make His Grand Entrance! Stop doing your own thing and turn back to God!
Matthew 25:44-45 "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
Truth, Passion and Love
Spokeswoman for God/Prophetess BSJ+