I thank God for the small things. I do it often, because I want Him to know that His grace and mercy does not go unnoticed. -BSJ
Leviticus 15:19-20
19 And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even. 20 And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean.
Lately, I have been noticing, every time I had a special event to attend or just want my period to not interfere with a
special day...my period would come on a few days earlier, so
it would not be a problem.
Ladies, I know y’all are saying praise God, because you get it! Men, this subject may be a little uncomfortable, but it’s best that I go into a little more detail. (smile)
Note: A period or menstruation is the blood that flows from a woman’s vagina each month. It’s a healthy, normal, monthly cycle that starts from puberty and stops at menopause.
Our bodies prepares us for pregnancy.
Me: Periods are worrisome, because you have to find the right pads. If the store doesn’t have it, I do the rest of my shopping and decide if I will choose another option or go to another store. We have to keep changing pads, hope there is no sign of blood on our clothing, endure pms, cravings, cramping. I am tired just thinking about it. I have learned to pamper myself, no pun intended. I use a heating pad, watch a great movie, eat like a pregnant woman. I just embrace it now, because this too shall pass. The timing of periods usually make me feel like, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!? Not now!
Ok, I’m getting to my point. This is my Christmas miracle, because it happened in December. Like I said, lately, I have noticed that “God” is making my periods come on earlier, so it does not interfere with special days.
On THE DAY of the miracle, I told my husband about it. I also asked him to check my pants before I leave the car. I used the bathroom all day, checked my pants and pad...all clear.
Ready for the miracle?
I went to bathroom for the last time, My Pad Was Clear, My Underwear Were Free from Blood, BUT MY TAN PANTS WERE HEAVILY SOILED WITH BLOOD. I kept looking back from underwear to pants. How could all this blood get to my pants, without a spot on my pad or underwear?
Hallelujah! God is at work in our lives. Take note of the smaller things and give thanks to God for His grace and mercy.
Truth, Passion and Love