Celebrity Dream Visitations.



On August 7, 2008, God sent me my very first Vision. It was of a BIG BROWN BOAT that seemed to be in trouble, because the blue  rippling waves was making it rock a lot.  The view I had was as if I was standing ON the water, directly in front of the boat, as the rain continued to pour in the night. It was beautiful, but I remember feeling sea sick.
What I saw was NOAH'S ARK!!!

On August 18, 2012, God sent me a Dream. The dream showed me a BREAKING NEWS STORY that the real Noah's Ark was found and it did not look like it had aged.

Truth, Passion and Love


Dream Of Animals Frozen Solid In Ice

On the morning of Tuesday, August 14, 2012, God sent me a dream that troubled the hell out of me.  I stood over a balcony and saw animals frozen solid in ice. It looked as if it had flooded and the animals washed up from everywhere.  The Large body of water had frozen solid with the animals  in it.

I saw bears, leopards, sharks, alligators, dogs and all sorts of animals. There were so, so many animals. Some animals were still alive as they blinked to show signs of life, but everything was frozen SOLID and nobody could do one thing. It was a helpless, desperate and heartbreaking scene. In my dream I went back inside to warn the world on my online ministry and then I woke up.

So, I say to all of you today to heed God's warnings. God has run out of patience with this wicked world and He must draw the line somewhere.  Do Not wait to make peace with the Lord. God sends disaster as a call to repentance so you will straighten up and turn back to Him. You may wonder what will happen if you choose not to repent.  When the time comes...God will  throw you into a Lake of fire for eternity and you will suffer day and night as you gnash your teeth from the pain that you will endure. To those of you who are born again and have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour...You will cry and suffer no more as you see your loved ones again and we will live with Father God and Jesus in Heaven forever. Amen

Acts 20:28Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Truth, Passion and Love

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